Dr. Sami Karam


Through my 4 month online program, I help early career Osteopaths, Chiropractors, and Physiotherapists fill the gap between their education and successful practice so they can confidently treat their patients, retain them and finally earn the income they deserve.  

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The 3 Pillars of Success in Practice


A Foundation Built on Principles

There must be a set of health related principles and values that you believe in, that guides the care that you provide. When service to your patients aligns with your principles all facets of care comes from a place of authenticity and can be communicated confidently.


Effective Treatment Planning & Execution 

Once a solid foundation is set, there needs to be a structure in place that reliably produces accurate diagnosis. Constructing treatment can then be done in a logical manner that produces a measurable outcome. Following this structure, treatment can be executed efficiently. 


Communication, Retention & Referrals

Now that you have produced results, your confidence improves. You should now communicate with an authority and authenticity, that will build trust and connection to retain your patients and have them happily referring their network. Stay front of mind and patients will stay connected.

Transform Your Career, Realise Your Potential and find Success in Practice.

Book a Discovery Call Now!

To find out more about what I do and if I can help you improve your practice, let's have a chat and we can find out if this program is the right fit for you.  

*NOTE* PLEASE UPDATE YOUR TIME ZONE in the booking calendar before you book in a time.

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